Books for

Parents & Teachers

Each entry below includes:

  • WHO it is for

  • WHAT - a brief synopsis of the book

  • WHY I think you would want to read it

  • WHERE to find it (just a few suggestions with any tips I have)

I love to check the ratings and read reviews. Sometimes people’s negative reviews end up being a recommendation to me and vice versa! From there I typically check around for the best price.

NOTE: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This just means, if you click on one of my Amazon links below I may make a small commission at no greater cost to you. Thanks for supporting this site!!

Beyond Bedtime Stories

WHO: Parents of children Birth-5 (also applicable for teachers, but there is a separate title written with classroom teachers in mind). Secular.

WHAT: Teaches parents what skills should be developed in this age range, and suggests ways to promote literacy learning around the house.

WHY: It’s easy to read, very informative, and full of practical ideas. In the authors’ words, “This book will help you think carefully about how to turn what you are already doing into a purposeful plan for your child’s literacy success” (pg. 43).

WHERE: Amazon. Also check out your local library and any other places from my Used Book Sources page.

Homeschool Bravely

WHO: Homeschooling parents or those interested. Christian focused.

WHAT: Encouragement for Christian homeschooling moms. Includes a variety of suggested resources/ideas as well, but focus is primarily on the mom.

WHY: This book is very interestingly written and easy to read. Often comradery for homeschool moms can be hard to find…and books can be a great source of encouragement!

WHERE: Amazon,, Scribd

Uncovering the Logic of English

WHO: Nerds. Adults who want to understand the phonics behind our often confusing language called English. Secular.

WHAT: A fantastic reference book but also great for reading straight through. Very thorough. It really demystified English.

WHY: This book explains SO much more than I ever learned in my college and post-graduate degree work regarding phonics and spelling. This book provides a guide to refer to when your child asks you why their spelling words are spelled a certain way.

WHERE: Amazon,, or other used/new book sites

The Three R’s

WHO: Homeschooling parents.

WHAT: A quick overview of how to teach your first through third graders with lots of useful lists.

WHY: This book promotes a very gentle, or natural, style of learning. Dr. Beechick focuses on paying attention to when your child is ready for a new skill rather than rigidly follow a curriculum. She has many helpful lists of activities as well as a suggested learning path. For a full synopsis/book review see my blog post here.

WHERE: Amazon,, Used Book Resources