10+ YouTube Channels for Homeschool Moms
Why Watch Homeschool Mom YouTubers?
My Journey
When I first started my homeschool journey (about three years ago), I was excited and terrified. Despite my background as an educator, and tons of years of experience teaching both in the classroom and tutoring setting, I was NERVOUS. As I began looking online for what curriculum I wanted to use, how to set up my homeschool room, and how to even organize all the books, documents, and information in my head - much less my computer - I stumbled upon the Youtubers. More accurately, my husband told me I should check YouTube for reviews of curriculum because he used it to watch reviews of tech gear, etc. And, thus I began my search.
Over the past three years I have found encouragement and inspiration from a variety of YouTube channels. As I searched for curriculum, I found videos focused on that specific query. Then, if I liked the style of the YouTuber, I would end up sticking around and watching more of her videos, gleaning information from moms who were just ahead of me in the trenches.
What You’ll Find
There are YouTube channels for all styles of homeschoolers out there. Classical, Charlotte Mason, Unschooler, Eclectic, Traditional? You name it, you’ll find someone who jives with your style. Some channels focus on curriculum or resources, others have more of a day-in-the-life style, and often the channels have some combination of all the above.
You can find videos about why someone LOVES a curriculum and then equally as many videos explaining why others hate that very same program. One of the things I have loved about watching videos - both for and against various curriculum - is that I find out some of the weakness of a program (none are perfect), and yet I often find that what one mom feels is a benefit of one program might be a negative in my mind - or vice-versa! What works for one kid doesn’t necessarily work for another. And, I have discovered - and hear other moms talk about - the fact that when we pick a curriculum, we have to think about what works for US as the teachers- not JUST for our kids.
So, whether you want to watch reviews comparing The Good and the Beautiful Math to Saxon Math or All About Reading Program with Abeka, you will find plenty of videos out there to help you. This is one of my favorite ways to research the curriculum I want to use.
If you are curious about a particular program (say, Classical Conversations), or a style of learning (for instance, Charlotte Mason), you can find videos that explain the philosophy behind these programs or even just tell about another mom’s experience with that system.
Often these YouTubers will take you into their homeschool classrooms and show you how they prepare for, setup, or even plan for their homeschool year. I have often found it inspiring to watch another mom describe her favorite system for organizing books or how she prepares to use a new curriculum. (For example, I have several articles describing how I set up curriculum - many of the ideas were inspired by YouTubers I follow.)
Where Do I Begin?
Go to Youtube.com, type in a search term like you would in Google - and start skimming for videos. Or, actually go to a search engine, type in “review of x curriculum” etc., and then select videos from the top categories when the results appear. Like any good search engine algorithm, YouTube will start feeding you more homeschool mom channels in your suggestions as you begin searching for these.
Use My List
I have compiled a list of 10 of my favorite YouTubers below for you to check out. While some of these may “click” for you, others won’t. But, hopefully it will give you a springboard to find your favorite channels to subscribe to. And, a note on that - if you do like the stuff someone puts out, take the time to click “like” on the video and to subscribe to her channel. It helps support them - FREE to us!!
One funny thing I’ve discovered as I’ve scored YouTube for homeschool mom videos is that I just don’t “jive” with some of their personalities, while others I find hilarious. But, someone who I find funny might annoy you. One mom’s goofy sense of humor makes me smile, while other times someone’s voice can be enough to turn me off from watching her channel.
And there are SO many more - I follow a ton more ladies than I have included here, but I just wanted to provide you with a few that I thought might help you on your journey. If you want to see even more of the channels I follow there’s an even longer list at the bottom of this page.
10 Channels To Get You Started
I list the following in alphabetical order.
Brittany Olga
Brittany, mom of 3 girls, who started homeschooling around the pandemic. She is a bright spot of joy as she talks about motherhood, lifestyle, and homeschooling content.
The Eclectic Homeschooler
Erin, mom to four ages 7-15, is a veteran homeschool mom who shares encouragement with other homeschool moms from a Christian perspective. Her style is a mixture of Charlotte Mason and interest-led schooling.
The Handmade Homeschooler
Mandy Maltz, former teacher and current homeschool mom. She shares homeschool tips, inspiration, and curriculum reviews on her channel. Many is also a great encouragement as a reformed Christian.
Life in the Mundane
Katie, second-generation homeschool mom to 6 kids. As her tagline says, she shares “resources that will help you in your homeschooling and encourage you in your biblical parenting so that you can make the most of the little moments.”
Living with Eve
Leilani - mom of 4, former classroom teacher (10+ years). Her channel “offers guidance, resources, and support so that parents can be empowered to meet their exceptional child's educational and developmental needs.”
Our Thrifty Homeschool
Toni, homeschooling mom of 3 girls and a boy. She shares curriculum reviews, thrift store finds, and homeschooling tips to encourage other parents. Check her channel out especially to find ways to save money while homeschooling.
Plan Prep Pray
Wendy, homeschooling mom of 4, and wife of a teacher. She encourages others with organizational tips and tricks, schedules, etc. “to help bring peace in the midst of your chaos.”
Rooted in Rest
Homeschool mom of 5. Focuses on homeschool, stay-at-home, and home cooking. I especially enjoy hearing curriculum reviews from this experienced homeschool teacher.
Science Mama
Angie, former professor (PhD in Microbiology), mom to 4. Her channel includes curriculum reviews, flip-throughs, book hauls, as well as tips & tricks.
To Each Their Own Home
Lissa (pronounced like Lisa), mom of 3. She focuses on homeschooling, home-making, and curriculum. Lissa seeks to encourage, inspire, and motivate other women through her channel.
And Even More To Check Out
And that is just the beginning of my list!!! I subscribe to so many more channels that have been helpful for me as a homeschool mom, and I want to share ALL of them with you. But don’t worry! I didn’t list all of them- you’re welcome.
I tried to make these subscriptions public on my YouTube “channel” (which has ZERO videos I will add), but couldn’t get them to show - even after I adjusted my privacy settings. SO…as the next best thing, I figured I’d just list a ton of the channels below.
These don’t have a “blurb,” like the ten above, but I wanted to give you more resources in case it’s helpful for you. Most of these are homeschool moms, but a few of these are more tangential channels - like free art lessons, or home organization. I include the links here in alphabetical order.
The List
I hope that this list (and the even longer additional one!) is helpful to you. I love finding and sharing resources, and I hope at least one of these jives with you and can help you along your homeschool journey.