Freebies from Across the Web

So many free resources…

I absolutely love finding great resources - and the best are often free!! I’m just getting started on this list…So check back for more updates!

PLEASE NOTE: Any affiliate links will be explicitly stated below under the resource.

  • Teacher Tutor Mom Free Printables


    Check out our FREE printable resources here.

  • Canva has a free version


    Do graphic design online without needing the degree!!

    Create papers, worksheets, signs, printables, etc.

    Yes, there is a FREE version as well as a paid version. However, I think that most people (teachers, homeschool parents, tutors) could use the free version without actually “needing” the subscription. Check out this article for a list of free-to-use fonts on Canva that will help you make worksheets for your own children or students.

  • Trello is a FREE organizational tool


    Trello is like having an endless wall of sticky notes that you can organize, reorganize, copy, paste, and reuse. You can add labels and due dates, etc. too. This article shows how I use Trello to plan my homeschool curriculum for the upcoming year - and it includes general instructions on how to use Trello.

    There is a FREE and a paid version of this program, but I have only ever used the free one. And it is FANTASTIC!! I think the paid version is better for work groups or for people who wish to connect a lot of other apps to this program.

  • Ambleside Online

    Free, Christian, homeschool curriculum based on Charlotte Mason’s style of classical education. I have heard very positive reviews of this curriculum from multiple people and had to check it out myself. It looks fantastic! Just note that there are links to many books and suggested resources that you would need to purchase or borrow. Also, some subjects are not included - i.e., math, phonics.

  • Art for Kids Hub

    (YouTube Channel) In each video, the artist teaches one of his own kids how to draw a picture of their choice - from princesses to super-heroes and villains. The camera shows both the father and child’s work side-by-side as the dad explains how to draw the picture. This is a kid-centered art lesson treasure trove and a big hit with my kids.

  • Blogs with LOTS of FREEBIES

    This links to my recommended blogs page. I have found some incredible FREE resources that I highly recommend. Check out this link.