curriculum Emily curriculum Emily

American and World History Curriculum written like a STORY

I love learning about history, but I never loved history textbooks. Instead, I prefer to learn through stories that bring the past to life. That’s why I’m excited to share two homeschool history programs that do just that! The Tuttle Twins and The Story of the World turn history into an engaging narrative. If you’re looking for a way to teach history while making your kids feel like it’s just story time, these might be the books for you.

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curriculum Emily curriculum Emily

Teaching Your Four Year Old At Home: How to Homeschool PreK

Thinking about homeschooling your four-year-old? Good news—you don’t need a rigid schedule or a stack of workbooks to make it work! PreK is all about play, exploration, and learning through everyday moments. In this post, I’ll share simple, stress-free ways to prepare your child for kindergarten as well as some of my favorite resources.

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curriculum Emily curriculum Emily

Grammar Programs for Grades K-3

How can we add grammar alongside All About Reading without overwhelming our kids or ourselves? My mantra for kindergarten and first grade “grammar” is keep it short and simple. In order to do this, I used an oral grammar program for my kindergarten through second graders and then move to a more independent program in third grade.

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