Whiteboard Alternatives for Your Homeschool

resources: 10 whiteboard alternatives for your homeschool

Want to create a whiteboard for your homeschool room but need some alternatives that won’t cost as much as a classroom-style whiteboard or put holes in your wall?

Here are a few options I have used through the years…


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Mess-Free Options

Earlier this year I purchased one of these “writing tablets“ for each of my kids. They come with a “stylus” and are completely mess-free!

I wish I had bought ones that had the pen attached by a string. Some of my kids had a hard time keeping up with their pen.

Granted, I later bought a set of extra styluses that came with cords and ended up replacing the missing pen(s) with these.

Anyway, I have LOVED using these tablets as an alternative to a dry-erase board. They are perfect for working math problems or spelling word practice. And there is NO mess from the dry-erase markers!

They also make great car trip toys! And they’d certainly work well for stocking-stuffers.


iPad “Freeform” App

IF - and only IF - you already have an ipad, this option would be “cheaper.” If you don’t - then I can assure you buying and ipad would NOT be a cheaper option than a whiteboard.

However, for those who already own an iPad (esp. with a “pen”) the Freeform app on it is a fantastic “whiteboard” of sorts. My iPad case lets it stand up freely, and it works well for occasional uses in place of a whiteboard. I don’t usually use this option though, because it is my personal iPad and I don’t want my kids to break it.


Now for the options that include dry-erase markers…

Small and Portable Options


Sheet Protector with White Paper

In my opinion, the absolute cheapest option you can go with is to use a “sheet protector” (these are my favorites!) and a clear white piece of copy paper. Then, you can use dry-erase markers or even wet-erase (like Vis-a-Vis) to create a whiteboard effect.

These can easily be wiped off with a dry (or wet) cloth and reused over and over again.

Another great thing about these is you can create all sorts of “forms” or “templates” and stick them in the sheet protector.

Dry-Erase Pockets”

Dry Erase Pocket shown with dry-erase marker and math cubes.

I have a few of these - probably leftover from my classroom teaching days. So, I can’t recall the exact brand or where I got them. However, there are tons of “Dry-Erase-Pockets” on Amazon, and they work really well as small whiteboards. (I’ve seen them at the dollar store before as well.)

I recently found we were using one particular math frame so often I left it in my pocket and even put a plain white sheet on the other side so we’d have a “whiteboard” and a reusable math sheet - kind of like the picture of the sheet-protectors above.


Tabletop Options

A Binder Cover

I learned this trick recently from another former-teacher. She used the plastic cover on one of her binders to create a “whiteboard.” (My mind exploded when I saw this!)

This works great with a small space and a small group of people. If you already have some 3-ring binders lying around, this is a great way to make them multi-purpose. Your kids might get a kick out of getting to “write” on their school binders.


Empty Picture Frame

Honestly, I haven’t tried this, but I know that you can easily write on glass (such as the “use a window” suggestion below). So, I figured an empty picture frame with glass in it would work in a pinch.

You might prefer to try it with plastic just so it wouldn’t possibly break, but you’d just have to try the dry-erase markers on the plastic to make sure it wipes off easily.

I found this blog where they show you how to DIY a cute one for decoration (and use).


In all honesty, I own one of these but haven’t used mine much. It is such an awesome idea and I want to, but I to this point it hasn’t served much purpose. HOWEVER - it could work well if you wanted to change out words like the month or the date, spelling words etc. each week and had the space to leave it sitting out.

In fact, a quick Amazon search showed me some really interesting looking “tabletop whiteboards” that I’ve never seen before but look awesome.

My current set-up doesn’t work well for leaving something standing up all the time. We sit at a small round table to do school, but now that I’m reminded of this little board, I’m starting to think about how it could be used…

Larger Options

A Window

beautiful scene of an idyllic window seat showing a stunning landscape

(BTW this picture is NOT my house. I wish it were! LOL)

If you have a window that is easily accessible and near to where you “do school,” this would technically be the cheapest “whiteboard.” You can just write on your window and then erase it. Works like a charm!! (If you don’t have a window, then buying is probably not your cheapest option.) ;-)

But seriously, about ten years ago there was a big fad of using old windows as decorations. I had a beautiful sea-green one hanging on my kitchen wall and loved to use it as a bulletin board or dry-erase board. (We ended up getting rid of it when we realized the peeling paint was probably old enough to contain lead or mercury…and we really didn’t want our babies to ingest that.)

Showerboard (or Hardboard)

Home improvement stores like Lowes and HomeDepot carry “hardboard.” I always thought it was called “showerboard,” but regardless I’ve linked to what I found on those two sites.

Years ago, as a classroom teacher, I purchased a big sheet of this for about $20 and then had it cut down to individual whiteboard sizes for an entire class. It was the cheapest way to get a whiteboard for each kid. They were not “perfect” - the markers definitely left some “ghosting” on the board, but they worked just fine - for several years.

You could easily buy one of these sheets and turn it into several small or medium size whiteboards.


A Kids’ Easel

This link is to one I found on Amazon so I could show you a picture…BUT if you’re looking for a cheaper option… I bought mine at Ikea…

Ikea has a fantastic kids’ Easel with a chalkboard on one side and a whiteboard on the other (similar to the one shown in the picture). We have used it for school as well as play. IF you have one near you, or you happen to be ordering some furniture from IKEA already, this $20 (at time of writing) easel is a great addition to a school room (or playroom). Or you can always get one like this on Amazon.


Final Thoughts

I hope that all of these options have given you food for thought as you prepare your homeschool room - or make it more user-friendly.

Further Reading

If you’re looking for more inspiration for your homeschool room setup and organization, check out the following articles…

Homeschool 101: How to Plan Your Homeschool Year

25 Items I Can’t Homeschool Without

Where in the World Do I Find Homeschool Curriculum?

FREE Trello Homeschool Planning Board

7 YouTube Videos to Help You Homeschool Confidently


Smart Stocking Stuffers: 50 Educational Gifts Kids Will Love This Christmas


Homeschool 101: How to Plan Your Homeschool Year