Smart Stocking Stuffers: 50 Educational Gifts Kids Will Love This Christmas

Educational Christmas Gifts with red and green background - shows images of various gift ideas from this article

Trying to get a head start on Christmas shopping? Are you looking for educational yet fun ideas for your little learners?

Check out these fun games and learning activities that we have either used and loved ourselves or had recommended to us by friends and family.

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Stocking-Sized Gifts


1. Pickles to Penguins

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Honing vocabulary or building critical thinking skills? This game is great for building connections between words. It’s available in the “regular” size, but we just have this travel version. Whether you choose to play it competitively or just let your kids learn to make connections with the picture cards, this is a great learning game.

2. USB Rechargeable Book Light

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Two of my kids have these little reading lights and over the months that we’ve had them they have been fantastic! They recharge so easily in a standard USB charger.

3. Playing Cards

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So many math or strategy games can be played with these - grab a double pack so you can play games like “Go Fish” or even “War” with a math twist - add the two numbers and whoever adds them faster wins the set.

4. Left-Right-Center Game

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This is a great game for practicing Left vs. Right directions! We have enjoyed it - minus the tears when someone loses! If you know how to prevent meltdowns and being a sore loser, let me know!

5. Ten-Frame Cards

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We have loved these for their appeal to younger learners. They’re about the same size as a pack of playing cards and include not only the number but also the visual of the 10-frame to help children as they add. Game ideas are included - or you can use them in place of playing cards for other games.

6. Dry-Erase Markers with Erasers

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These dry-erase markers are smaller than typical classroom whiteboard markers. They work great for smaller (personal) sized whiteboards.

7. Ten-Frame Pop-It

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Continuing in the ten-frame theme, these are great esp. if you want to give one to several children. They work as a fidget toy because they are small but they are also great math manipulatives!

Math Manipulatives

8. Pattern Blocks with Cards

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Each of my kids has loved these! From creating the suggested designs in the kit to making their own “pictures” they’re great for developing mathematical thinking skills.

9. 100 Chart Pop-It

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Who doesn’t love the satisfaction of “popping” these pop-it toys back and forth!? This is large (approximately 10” x 10”). It can be used for playing with numbers- skip counting, or anything your child’s imagination can think of!

10. Wild Side Number Sense Cards

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I love these cards! They come with their own book of 50 math activities. However, they are also fantastic for using for math games of your own making (or to coordinate with your math curriculum). Each card includes the numeral as well as tally marks, finger demo, and 10-frame visual. They are bigger than regular playing cards (see the size details on the Amazon link).

11. Math Link Cubes

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I bought these blocks to help with a math curriculum we used in our first year of homeschooling. But they quickly became a favorite toy. They include a booklet with ideas to build but are fantastic for imaginative play.

12. Counting Bears

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I purchased a set of counting bears similar to these back in 2020 for homeschool. Our counting bears have been a favorite in our house. They have been used for everything from counting to “food” in a pretend kitchen, and I’m pretty sure they've even been used in lieu of “army guys.” So, talk about a toy that leaves plenty of room for the imagination!

For more math related games, see the GAMES section below.


For the Littles


13. Poke-a-Dot Books

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Word of warning: DON’T buy these books if the click sound of your little one pressing each of the “dots” will drive you crazy! DO buy it if your kiddo loves the satisfaction of making a noise and you want them to practice fine-motor skills while also enjoying books!

14. PAW Patrol Wooden 4-in-1 Magnetic Wand Maze Board

by: Melissa & Doug

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This one I don’t personally own (ours aren’t this little anymore), but it came highly recommended - and apparently even the big siblings and parents find it fun to mess with!!

15. Indestructible Books

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This 54-book series is really “indestructible” in my experience. We had several and they didn’t tear - eventually the pages curled but they didn’t fall apart!! LOL… Anyway, I think these make a perfect gift for little-bitties who want to put everything in their mouth or pull and tear all their books.

16. Animal Finger Puppets

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If you’re looking for a cute set of finger-puppets that don’t cost an arm and a leg, these might be perfect for your little one! And, I’ve actually seen these used in a classroom setting to help kindergarteners focus on a task and “point” to items on a map.

17. Magnetic Letters

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This set of magnetic letters would work great on a refrigerator - or if yours isn’t magnetic (like ours), then try a baking sheet! I particularly like the fact that this set includes the little container.


See more little bitty book recommendations in the “Books” section below…


STEM Activities


18. Genius Lego Inventions

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This book and others like it have been a fun addition to my kids’ play! Even if they don’t have the exact blocks used in these books - but it provides a great springboard for creativity!

19. Mind Benders

by: The Critical Thinking Co.

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I LOVED these activities when i was in elementary school. Although this isn’t the exact series I had, I’ve purchased some of these for my own kids from The Critical Thinking Company. If you prefer a PDF download instead, check out the website.


20. Sticker by Letter Books


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These seem to be a better choice for early elementary children as they are simpler to “read” than the number books. My older preschool to early elementary kids have enjoyed them.

21. Sticker by Number Books

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Check these more carefully for age (or skill) level. Many of these numbers go higher than my littles could read and match on their own. But they help esp. for keeping kiddos busy in the car on long road trips!

22. 100 Paper Plans to Fold & Fly

by: Usborne

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My kids just finished up this book after having it for approximately 4 years. So, I’ll probably get a new one this Christmas. When they’re young, you’ll be folding the airplanes for them. And as they get older (7-8) they can more successfully fold them on their own.

23. KiwiCo STEM boxes

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Have a budding scientist? or artist? or just want some STEM activities for your kiddos? We have enjoyed KiwiCo crates both as a subscription service and from individual boxes that we have purchased for gifts. Both my own kids as well as family and friends have enjoyed their awesome resources! Want to see the item shown at left? Click here. (We haven’t tried this particular one yet…but we have bought lots of others through the years!)

24. Awesome Engineering Activities for Kids

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We have this one - it’s great for an older elementary kid who you feel comfortable letting just go and do crafts (I mean, engineering activities) on their own. OR - it would work great for parent-child duos!

25. Coding for Kids in Scratch 3

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This has been a great way to help my third grader learn the basics of coding in a playful way. This is a self-study “course” to use with the FREE Scratch 3 program online - and it is a wonderful way to teach kids to slow down, check their work, and then find success as they persevere!

26. Kids’ Microscope

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My kids have a “kids” microscope that has provided hours of learning and exploration. From looking at bugs caught in the backyard to other random objects from nature, they have loved it - so much that it’s now broken. And apparently that one is no longer being made, so I am considering this one for them for Christmas. It’s rated really highly and seems similar (if not a bit nicer) than the one we have.

27. Dig Kits

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My kids think digging for “treasures” is the best! Warning - it is quite messy. So consider sending them outside for this one. There are so many types of “dig kits” out there - from “gemstones” to “ancient artifacts.” If you have a budding geologist or archaeologist in your house this might make for a great gift - and provide some screen-free entertainment!

28. Magnets

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Looking for some free-range science ideas? We have had this little set of magnets for years. And, I randomly find them around the house. The kids love to find things that the magnets will stick to.



29. Pick-Up Sticks

by: Melissa & Doug

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Want to help your kids develop hand-eye coordination and fine-motor skills? Check out this classic game - you might remember it from your own childhood too!

30. Bananagrams

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I don’t own these but remember playing and it’s fun. They are great for spelling and vocabulary building - esp. for older kids. The game description says it’s for ages 7+ and for 1-8 players.

31. Learning Well Reading Games

by Edupress

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Years ago I had several of these board games in my 3rd grade classroom. They were well-loved center activities, and I still have one or two of them. Not only do they offer a variety of reading strategies - from context clues to inferences, but many of the games themselves have several reading level options.

32. Sum Swamp

by: Learning Resources

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This is a favorite in our family! My kids have enjoyed it from Kindergarten on - and it’s an easy one for them to play on their own (as in, mom doesn’t have play every time!).

33. Sums in Space

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This one can be played by kindergarteners, but I found that it was on the harder side for that age. The rules are more complicated than Sum Swamp (but lots of fun!). Another fun aspect of this game is that it can be played competitively or cooperatively!

34. Number Crunch

by: Continuum

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This is a new favorite with my kids. So far we have only played the addition/subtraction version, but it also includes the multiplication/division cards. This game is for an older crowd than the “Sum Swamp” game above - my thought is 2nd grade at the youngest although the game info says for ages 5 and up.

35. UNO

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This is an oldie but goodie - I need to find our set and play it with my kids... And apparently this one has been updated to include special symbols to allow color-blind individuals to play as well. Pull out the UNO game for a family night or let your kids (7+) play it and sharpen their strategy skills.

36. Checkers

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This one is going in my Amazon shopping cart because I realized we don’t own a Checkers set - and it’s a favorite from my own childhood. My kids enjoy playing it with their grandparents, but we don’t have one of our own. Oh, and this game board includes tic-tac-toe and “Super tic-tac-toe” on the back. (I’ve never heard of “SUPER tic-tac-toe” but sounds fun…)




37. Dover Coloring Books

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I’ve had various Dover coloring books for years. They have ones that span all sorts of topics from history to science. The books include tidbits of facts along with the pictures to color.

38. How to Draw…

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Your kid may not be into birds, but this is just an example of one we have. Search for “How to Draw” whatever subject you want and there is likely a book about it!

39. How to Draw Animals

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Again, here is a fun “how to draw” book that includes a variety of animals - this time in a more “cartoon” style.

40. Make a World drawing books

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There is a whole series of these books - and they are great for kids who want to create an entire scene - or world! These pictures are simpler than the ones above, as in the “steps” don’t seem to be as cumbersome. And it’s definitely the favorite of all the drawing books at our house.

41. Rainbow Scratch Paper

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This scratch paper can be loads of fun- just be aware that it is somewhat messy! As kids scratch off the outer coating it creates shavings or peels similar to a messy eraser. BUT did I say, it’s fun!?



I don’t think a list of “educational” gift ideas would be complete without some book suggestions. That said, some of these are educational in and of themselves, while others are just “fun” - and get kids reading!


42. Mercy Watson series

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We love this hilarious series about a very beloved pig, Mercy Watson. The characters are memorable and endearing. These books are short chapter books with pictures on every page. The stories work great for a fun read-aloud or can be read alone by intermediate readers (think 2nd or 3rd grade and up). Be sure to check out the reading level if you are purchasing them for independent readers.

And be sure to check out the Tales from Deckawoo Drive series by this author as well!

43. Minecraft Woodsword Chronicles

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This series has been a HUGE hit with my 3rd grader…who is also a big fan of the Minecraft games. I haven’t read these myself - but the reviews led me to believe they were worth buying - and my son’s delight in them has proven the reviews right!

And…there’s a sequel series…

44. Minecraft Stonesword Saga

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And here is the sequel - which is equally loved. In fact, we managed to lose one of the books and I have been “reminded” over and over to get replacement…so book 1 is going in my cart today.

45. Little Pea, Little Hoot, Little Oink

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Years ago someone gave me this precious series when I had my first child. I cannot say enough good things about them! They are such sweet board books that are fun to read and even make the grownups laugh. The stories teach our littlest kiddos lessons about eating healthy food, keeping their rooms, clean, etc. in the cutest possible way.

46. Great Battles for Boys series

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So far we have only bought one this one - Ancients to Middle Ages - but apparently it was greatly enjoyed. So I plan to purchase more of the series in future.

Others in the series include:

  • The Vietnam War

  • World War 2 in the Pacific

  • The American Revolution

…and more!

47. See Inside How Things Work

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This is a fun look at the inside of “things.” For your budding engineers or kids who prefer to read snippets of nonfiction rather than long stories. And did I mention there are flaps?!

This Usborne book can be purchased from Amazon (linked here) or from a Paper Pie consultant (formerly Usborne Books & More).

48. America’s History - a Tuttle Twins Series of Stories


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So this is a history curriculum - and yet, it is also a story book. So, though it may not seem to be a “Christmas present” per-se, it actually reads like a chapter book - with extra inserts of historical info in sidebars throughout. Anyway, it is such a cool telling of America’s founding - and esp. the IDEAS of freedom behind it that I had to recommend it here!

49. Choose Your Own Adventure Books

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I remember a series of “choose your own adventure” books that I read as a kid…but I can’t recall the name of them or anything else other than I really loved reading them! I thought it was so exciting to get to choose what happened to the characters, and if there was an unsatisfactory ending, I would just start again! Tuttle Twins has now come out with a “Choose Your Consequence” series! This series is for an older audience than the original Tuttle Twins series (above).

50. Look Inside Your Body

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This has been a much-loved book at our house - and is great for younger children. (AKA, it doesn’t delve into the reproductive system.)

In fact, we love so many of the various “flap” books from Usborne. You can buy most of them from Paper Pie consultants (formerly Usborne Books & More) - or many of them can even be found on Amazon (like this one).


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