YouTube Videos to Help You Homeschool Confidently

resources: 7 youtube videos to help you homeschool confidently

So, I enjoy watching (or often just listening) to YouTube. It’s great company while I do dishes, etc.

The Real Alex Clark channel covers a wide range of fascinating topics from baby formula to serial killers. As her description channel says, “Hear interviews from Hollywood celebrities, experts, true crime survivors, and the most interesting people you’ve never heard of as they share theifr gripping personal stories.”

Funny thing…she also has a lot of episodes related to homeschooling. Alex is a huge proponent!! And she isn’t even a mom yet herself!

If you prefer to listen rather than watch, all of these episodes are technically from her podcast, “The Spillover with Alex Clark.” So, check out the podcast instead if that’s your preferred medium. I’ve included the podcast episode date under each video title for those who prefer to search that way.

Now, for the episodes…

I’m listing these in reverse order by date, with the newest episode first. I hope these provide hours of interesting and encouraging listening for each of you!

Your Kid Doesn’t Need Preschool…Or Kindergarten. - With Claire Denault

Podcast Episode - March 14, 2024

Claire Denault is a second-generation homeschool mom who didn’t learn to read till she was 12, and then started college at 15!! Her story of homeschooling has informed her as a parent now to her own school-aged child. She shares from her own experience and encourages parents that our children are learning far more than they would in the four walls of a traditional classroom.

Follow Claire Denault:

Insta/FB/X: @live.leaf.learn

Youtube: liveleaflearn

Daycare Impacts On A Child’s Brain & Socialization Myths - Dr. Erica Komisar, LCSW

Podcast Episode - October 12, 2023

For those of you who didn’t put your kids in full-time daycare, or those who are trying to decide if that is the best thing for your child, check out this episode. Erica Komisar is the author of ‘Being There: Why Prioritizing Motherhood In The First 3 Years Matters.’ She explains why moms feel sadness and guilt as they drop their children off at daycare, and what they can do about it. As an advocate for greater maternity leave programs in the American government, she also provides listeners ideas for how to find alternate options to full-time daycare.

Follow Erika Komisar:


Insta: ericakomisar

FB/X: @EricaKomisarCSW

1000 Hours Outside w/ Ginny Yurich

Podcast Episode (dif title): “Adults Have RUINED The BEST Parts Of Childhood." - @1000HoursOutside w/ Ginny Yurich - August 17, 2023

Ginny Yurich has an entire website and movement dedicated to getting kids outside more. I absolutely love the encouragement I have gotten from her to prioritize being in nature more as a homeschool mom. As this video’s description says, “Alex and Ginny discuss their fave parenting books, how to go from couch potato to adventure mom, and scientific benefits to prioritizing outdoor time for your kids.”

Follow Ginny Yurich:


Insta: 1000hoursoutside

It’s Not Mom-Shaming, You’re Just Convicted. - Daycare Truths With Suzanne Venker

Podcast Episode - July 20, 2023

Alex has a fascinating conversation with Suzanne Venker, author of “7 Myths of Working Mothers” among others. They discuss what studies show about the happiness of working moms and whether preschool is all its cracked up to be.

Here is a list of her books on Amazon (paid/affiliate link!): Susan Venker Books on Amazon

Follow Suzanne Venker:

Website: www.suzannevenker.comdd

FB/Insta: SuzanneVenkerAuthor

Youtube: @SuzanneVenkerAuthor

You Can Homeschool! Yes, Even YOU. - Eradicating Self-Doubt With Heidi St. John

Podcast Episode - June 1, 2023

If you are already a homeschool parent, and you only have time for one of these episodes - listen to this one!! Let the encouragement from this veteran homeschool mom, Heidi St. John, help you “eradicate self-doubt,” just like the title says. Heidi is a blogger, speaker, author, and podcaster.

Follow Heidi St. John:


Podcast: The Heidi St. John Podcast

FB/Insta/X: @heidistjohn

There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather. - Scandinavian Parenting With Linda Åkeson McGurk

Podcast Episode - April 13, 2023

Moms in the US have actually been arrested for following the normal, accepted parenting practices of Scandinavian parents. Check out this episode where Alex interviews Linda McGurk, author of “There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather,” and learn all about this outdoorsy style of parenting.

Follow Linda Akeson McGurk:


Buy her book on Amazon (paid/affiliate link!): There’s No Such Thing as Bad Weather

Soon Going To Public School Will Feel Like A 20th Century Idea. - Rebel Educator Hannah Frankman

Podcast Episode - March 30, 2023

Alex interviews Hannah Frankman, founder of “Renegade Educator.” They discuss the brokenness of traditional education and how we need to rethink the way we teach kids in America. Hannah’s approach is to help parents think through alternatives to the generally accepted methods of education for their kids. As a second-generation homeschool mom, Hannah’s personal experience of homeschooling blends with her current homeschooling-mom adventure. Watch this and find out how to be a renegade educator too!

Follow Hannah Frankman:

Website: (also

X: @rebelEducator

A YouTube Playlist for All These Episodes

If you’d like…here is the playlist for all the above videos. I made a playlist on my YouTube channel (at this time I have exactly 0 personal videos on it). But, if you don’t want to have to click on each individual episode to listen, just click here to play all.


Click here for the playlist.

(This link will take you directly to YouTube.)


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