Essential Supplies for Every Homeschool Mom

resources: essential supplies for homeschool moms.

As a stay-at-home homeschooling mom, typically I can have either a clean house OR a full homeschool day. It’s hard to get “everything” done every day - if you figure out how to, please let me know.

So - any little thing that I can find to help make life easier goes a long way.

Here I share some favorite items that can make life as a homeschool mama easier or more enjoyable. Some are household items and others are actually “educational.”


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Need more Homeschool Resources Suggestions? Check out this post!



Visual Timer

One of my favorite homeschool supplies is this visual timer. From counting down the minutes till we will call a subject “finished” for the day to letting the kids see how much more screen time is allotted, it has paid for itself many times over. I definitely felt like I was “splurging” on this purchase, but I’m so grateful to have it.


Zipper Bags

You are probably familiar with these reusable zipper bags already. But just in case - they are so helpful!! I have bought them in multiple different sizes over the years, from pencil pouch size to large index card size, to these that will fit 8.5x11” papers. The zippers are much easier to work for young hands than a ziplock bag, and they are much more durable. They are fantastic for keeping school supplies in or for traveling or other household items.


Dry-Erase Pockets

Dry-erase pockets are a cheap alternative to a traditional whiteboard. And, they allow you to reuse papers by slipping them inside the sleeve and then writing “on” them. It has been far too long since I purchased mine to know exactly what brand I have, but here are some that are Amazon’s “overall pick.”

I like to keep a sheet of plain white paper in one and have it handy for a small “whiteboard” esp. when we are doing math.


No-Mess Writing Boards

I don’t personally own one of these - but my kids each has a smaller version, and I use them frequently. They are fantastic little mess-free writing boards for teaching math or spelling, etc. I keep thinking about buying one “for me” and if I do I’d like to get one slightly bigger than the 8” ones I bought my kids…So I found this 16” version!


Paper Cutter

This simple machine has been one of my all time favorites! It is a HUGE time-saver when it comes to cutting out papers. For instance, it saves me an inordinate amount of time when I set up the All About Reading curriculum for the first time.



Sturdy Paper Organizers

I actually own two of these shelf units! One sits in a cabinet in my kitchen “command center” while the other adorns my desk. They have held up well and although they aren’t fancy, they look nice enough to sit out.


Lazy Susan

This bright little organizer sits in the middle of our school table. It’s the perfect size for holding pens and pencils or other small desktop items. I labeled each of the “cubbies” with a kid’s name (or mine). And although it never stays as neat and organized as I want it to, it is very nice to have a quick and easy place to corral writing utensils (and possibly other random small objects that don’t currently have a home).




This is one of my favorite homeschool splurges. This scanner will scan double-sided pages. It has been a life-saver when I am scanning completed workbook pages into the computer for clutter-free record-keeping. (Read more about how I do that here.) I’ve also used it to save copies of (double-sided) worksheets that I need to print but don’t want to stand at the printer for hours flipping the pages from one side to the other to copy each front and back.


Color Printer

This large-tank printer has been a fantastic buy. I had heard about “cartridge-less printers” and was very interested in the money-saving aspects of them. After much research, my techy husband landed on this printer and it has been great. It will print double-sided and in color. And I use it almost daily. I really appreciate that it has two paper feeders, since I frequently use various types of paper (regular, premium, and cardstock).



Back in the 90’s my mom had several “dustbusters” that we would use to clean up quick messes. But, this modern version is new to my house. It is SO easy for my kids to use as well. I prefer it to hauling out the “real” vacuum for smaller jobs. And, the easier something is for me to accomplish the more likely it is to get done. Just saying.


As weird as this may seem, my favorite use for this broom is not sweeping up crumbs and trash - but TOYS. Seriously. In our school/bonus room it works as both cleaning device and toy collector.

The dustpan stands up on its own both while being stored as well as when you sweep into it. I think bending down to collect the mess in the dustpan is my least favorite part of sweeping in most cases. (Pssst…this also makes a great “little” gift for elderly family members or others with less mobility.)


His and HERS (toolbox)

I feel like getting into your husband’s toolbox is very similar to him delving into your purse… Anyway, I have found through the years that it is nice to keep a few basic tools within easy reach for myself, so I’m not having to search for what I need in the garage. BUT- then I found that my tools were getting “returned” to the garage rather than my bag. Enter the PINK toolkit. Problem solved!! Kids and husband all know the pink ones are mine. :-)


Further Reading

Looking for more suggested resources for homeschooling? Check out the following…


Be Fair to Yourself - Getting Rid of Homeschool Mom Guilt


Smart Stocking Stuffers: 50 Educational Gifts Kids Will Love This Christmas